Synonyms Objective Questions Mock Test 1

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Synonyms Objective Questions (Synonyms test ,Synonyms questions,Synonyms multiple choice questions) :- इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से आज हम English Grammar के एक बहुत अच्छे टॉपिक Synonyms Objective Questions के बारे में विस्तार से पढ़ेंगे। आप अच्छे से इन Words के बारे में अध्ययन करें। ताकि आगे आने वाले विभिन प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओ जैसे Rajasthan High Court LDC,Rajasthan High Court Group D, RPSC 1st Garde , 2nd Garde , Rajasthan Lab Assistant , Rsmssb Stenographer , Rsmssb Pharmacist , junior instructor , NTT , Mila Supervisor , Agriculture Supervisor, LSA , sucha Syavk , IA , RAS , PTI Bank Exam,SSC,Railway आदि में आप अच्छे नम्बर प्राप्त कर सको। तो आइये देखते है के Synonyms Online Prectice Set के बारे में एक महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी।

Synonyms Objective Questions

परीक्षा में इस तरह से आपको चार ऑप्शन वाले प्रश्न पूछे जायेंगे जिसमे से आपको किसी एक ऑप्शन को चुनना होता है। इस तरह से आप ऑनलाइन प्रेक्टिस करके इस टॉपिक से पुरे नंबर प्राप्त कर सकते है।

In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word.

[rapid_quiz question=”CORPULENT” answer=”Obese” options=”Obese|Emaciated |Gaunt |Lean ” notes=”Obese”]

[rapid_quiz question=”BRIEF” answer=”Short” options=”Limited |Short|Little |Small ” notes=”Short”]

[rapid_quiz question=”EMBEZZLE” answer=”Misappropriate ” options=”Misappropriate |Balance |Remunerate|Clear” notes=”Misappropriate “]

[rapid_quiz question=”VENT” answer=”Opening ” options=”Opening |Stodge |End |Past tense of go” notes=”Opening “]

[rapid_quiz question=”AUGUST” answer=”Ridiculous ” options=”Petty|Dignified |Ridiculous |Common ” notes=”Ridiculous “]

[rapid_quiz question=”CANNY” answer=”Clever” options=”Clever|Handsome |Stout|Obstinate ” notes=”Clever”]

[rapid_quiz question=”ALERT” answer=”Watchful” options=”Watchful|Intelligent|Observant |Energetic ” notes=”Watchful”]

[rapid_quiz question=”WARRIOR” answer=”Soldier” options=”Spy|Pirate |Sailor |Soldier” notes=”Soldier”]

[rapid_quiz question=”DISTANT” answer=”Far ” options=”Separate|Reserved |Removed|Far ” notes=”Far “]

[rapid_quiz question=”ADVERSITY” answer=”Misfortune” options=”Failure |Helplessness|Misfortune|Crisis” notes=”Misfortune”]

[rapid_quiz question=”FAKE” answer=”Imitation ” options=”Loyal|Trustworthy |Imitation |Original ” notes=”Imitation “]

[rapid_quiz question=”INDICT” answer=”Accuse” options=”Condemn|Reprimand |Accuse|Allege” notes=”Accuse”]

[rapid_quiz question=”STRINGENT” answer=”Rigorous ” options=”Dry |Strained |Rigorous |Shrill” notes=”Rigorous “]

Synonyms Objective Questions

[rapid_quiz question=”FOSTERING ” answer=”Nurturing” options=”Safeguarding|Neglecting |Ignoring |Nurturing” notes=”Nurturing”]

[rapid_quiz question=”PROPEL ” answer=”Drive” options=”Drive|Jettison|Burst|Acclimatize” notes=”Drive”]

[rapid_quiz question=”MASSIVE” answer=”Huge” options=”Lump sum|Strong|Huge|Gaping” notes=”Huge”]

[rapid_quiz question=”STUMBLING BLOCK” answer=”Hurdle” options=”Advantage|Hurdle|Argument |Frustration ” notes=”Hurdle”]

[rapid_quiz question=”DEFER ” answer=”Postpone” options=”Postpone|Differ|Defy|Indifferent” notes=”Postpone”]

[rapid_quiz question=”CEASE” answer=”Stop” options=”Dull|Begin|Stop|Create” notes=”Stop”]

[rapid_quiz question=”PIOUS ” answer=”Religious ” options=”Religious |Sympathetic |Afraid |Faithful” notes=”Religious “]

[rapid_quiz question=”CANCEL” answer=”Abolish ” options=”Abolish |Approve |Allow |Break” notes=”Abolish “]

[rapid_quiz question=”ABANDON ” answer=”Forsake ” options=”Forsake |Keep |Cherish |Enlarge” notes=”Forsake “]

[rapid_quiz question=”RECUPERATE ” answer=”Recover ” options=”Rehabilitate |Recover |Reimburse |Relocate” notes=”Recover “]

[rapid_quiz question=”AUGURY” answer=”Prophecy ” options=”Prophecy |Astronomy |Intention|Future” notes=”Prophecy “]

[rapid_quiz question=”DELECTABLE ” answer=”Delicious ” options=”Enjoyable|Delicious |Nobel |Sumptuous” notes=”Delicious “]

[rapid_quiz question=”DIELECTRIC ” answer=”Nonconductor ” options=”Instructive |Constructive|Nonconductor |Destructive” notes=”Nonconductor “]

[rapid_quiz question=”PALTRY ” answer=”Insignificant ” options=”Slovenly|Average |Unfair |Insignificant ” notes=”Insignificant “]

[rapid_quiz question=”DISPARAGE ” answer=”Belittle ” options=”Scatter |Discriminate |Belittle |Waste” notes=”Belittle “]

[rapid_quiz question=”ALACRITY ” answer=”Briskness ” options=”Briskness |Fear |Frankness |Alarm” notes=”Briskness “]

[rapid_quiz question=”BUSY ” answer=”Occupied ” options=”Active |Occupied |Preoccupied|Diligent” notes=”Occupied “]

[rapid_quiz question=”BITTERNESS ” answer=”Acrimony ” options=”Sourness |Hoarseness |Acrimony |Aspersion” notes=”Acrimony “]

[rapid_quiz question=”STERILE ” answer=”Barren” options=”Dry |Barren|Childless |None of these” notes=”Barren”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonym of DEMURE” answer=”Retiring ” options=”Intentional |Retiring |Unreserved |Blunt” notes=”Retiring “]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonym of CONSOLIDATE” answer=”Unite ” options=”Conspire|Unite |Connive |Contrive ” notes=”Unite “]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonym of ALACRITY” answer=”Eagerly” options=”Suspicion |Unwillingly|Unhesitatingly |Eagerly” notes=”Eagerly”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonym of DISINTER” answer=”Unearth ” options=”Bury |Befool |Unearth |Disguise” notes=”Unearth”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonym of ROTUND ” answer=”Round” options=”Stout|Round|Resonant |Gilded” notes=”Round”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonym of RECTIFY ” answer=”Mend ” options=”Mend |Connect|Resolve |Solve” notes=”Mend “]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonym of CONTUMACY” answer=”Resistance ” options=”Divorce |Relation |Resistance |Cooperation” notes=”Resistance “]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonym of GRIPE” answer=”Complaint ” options=”Complaint |Journey|Resentment |Satisfaction” notes=”Complaint “]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonym of FAITH ” answer=”Trust” options=”Proof|Belief |Repose |Trust” notes=”Trust”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonym of KOWTOW” answer=”Respect ” options=”Respect |Illuminate |Practise|Blockhead” notes=”Respect “]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonym of EMPIRICAL” answer=”Practical ” options=”Spiritual |Royal |Practical |Theoretical” notes=”Practical “]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonym of DEFERENCE” answer=”Respect ” options=”Obligation |Respect |Postponement |Pride” notes=”Respect “]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonym of VOCATION ” answer=”Occupation ” options=”Hobby|Occupation |Post |Employment” notes=”Occupation”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonym of KITTY” answer=”Fund ” options=”Romantic |Cheap |Fund |Drowsy” notes=”Fund “]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonym of BRACE ” answer=”Support” options=”Waste|Support|Define |Confine” notes=”Support”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonym of BAFFLE” answer=”Frustrate ” options=”Insult |Frustrate |Defame |Antagonise” notes=”Frustrate “]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonym of VILIFY” answer=”Defame ” options=”Deceive|Defame |Deprive |Desert ” notes=”Defame “]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonym of PROFOUND” answer=”Deep ” options=”Profuse |Boundless |Deep |Fathomless” notes=”Deep “]

About Synonyms Online Quiz

इस मॉक टेस्ट सीरीज़ (Synonyms test ,Synonyms questions,Synonyms multiple choice questions, objective type questions) मदद से आप Rajasthan HC Group D exam,Rajasthan High Court Group D, RPSC 1st Garde , 2nd Garde , Rajasthan Lab Assistant , Rsmssb Stenographer , Rsmssb Pharmacist , junior instructor , NTT , Mila Supervisor , Agriculture Supervisor, LSA , sucha Syavk , IA , RAS , PTI Bank Exam,SSC,Railway में अच्छे नम्बर प्राप्त कर सकते है। राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय ग्रुप डी परीक्षा में प्रत्येक सैंपल पेपर में एक निर्धारित वेटेज होता है ताकि कोई भी प्रश्न छूट न जाए। राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय परीक्षा (Rajasthan High court Group D exam 2020) के लिए ऑनलाइन प्रैक्टिस करे और अपने परीक्षा स्कोर की जाँच करें। अगर आपको इस प्रेक्टिस सेट में कोई कमी नजर आती है तो आप निचे कमेंट बॉक्स में हमे कमेंट करके बता सकते है।

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