KVS TGT PGT PRT Principal Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2023 (Kendriya Vidyalaya TGT PGT PRT Principal Vacancy 2023 Notification Exam Pattern, Selection Process, Syllabus, Salary, Result, merit List) :- नमस्कार दोस्तों इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से आज हम KVS TGT Exam Pattern, KVS TGT Syllabus, KVS TGT Salary, KVS PGT Exam Pattern, KVS PGT Syllabus, KVS PGT Salary, KVS PRT Syllabus, KVS PRT Exam Pattern, KVS PRT Salary, KVS Principal Exam Pattern, KVS Principal Syllabus, KVS Principal Salary, KVS Vice Principal Exam Pattern, KVS Vice Principal Syllabus, Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Notification के बारे में विस्तृत से जानेगे। अगर आप KVS TGT Principal PGT PRT Teacher Online Form 2023 के बारे में सम्पूर्ण जानकारी जानना चाहते है तो आप इस पोस्ट को अंत तक ध्यान से पढ़े।
KVS Recruitment 2023 संक्षिप्त विवरण
Name of the Organization |
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) |
Name of the Posts |
TGT, PGT, PRT Teaching and Non-Teaching Posts |
Total No. of Posts |
13404 Post |
Apply Mode |
Online |
Exam Name |
KVS Teachers Jobs Notification 2023 Pdf |
Job Location |
anywhere in India |
Advertisement No |
Session 2022-2023 |
Post Category |
Govt Job |
Starting Date |
05 December 2022 |
Last Date for Apply |
26 December 2022 |
Exam Mode |
Online |
Official Website |
www.kvsangathan.nic.in |
Kendriya Vidyalaya TGT PGT PRT Principal Bharti 2023 Notification
केन्द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन, मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय भारत सरकार वर्ष 2022-23 के लिए केंद्रीय विद्यालयों में पीजीटी, टीजीटी, प्राथमिक शिक्षक, प्रधानाचार्य और उप-प्राचार्य के पदों पर भर्ती के लिए एक अधिसूचना जारी की है। इस अधिसूचना के अनुसार केंद्रीय विद्यालय संगठन (KVS) ने देश के विभिन्न केंद्रीय विधालयो में PGT TGT PRT Principal, VP, Librarian, ASO, AE, SSA, JSA, Steno के 13404 पदों पर भर्ती के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन आमंत्रित किए हैं । योग्य और इच्छुक उम्मीदवार 05 दिसंबर 2022 से 26 दिसंबर 2022 तक आधिकारिक वेबसाइट के माध्यम से KVS में KVS PGT TGT PRT Principal Vacancy 2023 के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं। यहा हम Kendriya Vidyalaya Teacher Online Form 2023 के अन्य विवरण आयु सीमा, शैक्षणिक योग्यता, चयन प्रक्रिया, आवेदन शुल्क, और आवेदन कैसे करें आदि के बारे में विस्तृत रूप से चर्चा करेंगे।
KVS Teacher Selection Process
- Written Exam
- Skill Test (if required for the Post)
- Interview
- Document Verification
KVS PGT Teacher Exam Pattern
Subject |
Total Questions |
Total Marks |
Total Time |
General English |
10 |
10 |
150 minutes |
General Hindi |
10 |
10 |
General Knowledge & Current Affairs |
10 |
10 |
Computer Literacy |
10 |
10 |
Reasoning Ability |
10 |
10 |
Pedagogy |
20 |
20 |
Subject Concerned |
80 |
80 |
Total |
150 |
150 |
KVS PRT Exam Pattern
Subject |
Total Questions |
Total Marks |
Total Time |
General English |
10 |
10 |
150 minutes |
General Hindi |
10 |
10 |
General Knowledge & Current Affairs |
10 |
10 |
Computer Literacy |
10 |
10 |
Reasoning Ability |
10 |
10 |
Pedagogy |
20 |
20 |
Subject Concerned |
80 |
80 |
Total |
150 |
150 |
KVS TGT Teacher Exam Pattern
Subject |
Total Questions |
Total Marks |
Total Time |
General English |
10 |
10 |
150 minutes |
General Hindi |
10 |
10 |
General Knowledge & Current Affairs |
10 |
10 |
Computer Literacy |
10 |
10 |
Reasoning Ability |
10 |
10 |
Pedagogy |
20 |
20 |
Subject Concerned |
80 |
80 |
Total |
150 |
150 |
English Syllabus
- Grammar
- Subject
- Articles
- Sentence Completion.
- Passage Completion
- Fill in the Blanks
- Comprehension
- Verb & Adverb
- Word Formation
- Verb Agreement
- Conclusion
- Antonyms
- Unseen Passages
- Theme detection
- Vocabulary
- Error Correction
- Tenses
- Synonym
- Idioms & Phrases
- Sentence Rearrangement
Hindi Syllabus
- भाषा, संज्ञा, सर्वनाम एवं सर्वनाम,
- विशेषण, क्रिया, अव्यय, वचन, लिंग, उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय,
- वाक्य निर्माण, पर्यायवाची, विपरीपार्थक,
- अनेकार्थक, समानार्थी शब्द,
- विराम चिन्हों की पहचान एवं उपयोग,
- मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ, अलंकार, सन्धि,
- तत्सम, तद्भव, देशज एवं विदेशी शब्द,
- समास
Reasoning Syllabus
- Syllogism
- Coding-Decoding
- Logical Reasoning
- Blood Relations
- Input-Output
- Data Sufficiency
- Alphanumeric Series
- PuzzleTabulation
- Coded Inequalities
- Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test
- Seating Arrangement
Numerical Ability Syllabus
- Probability
- Line Graphs
- Heights & Distances Partnership
- Percentages
- Number System
- Volume & Surface Area
- Boats & Streams
- Decimal & Fractions
- Pipes & Cisterns
- Mensuration
- Time and Work
- Simplification
- Profit and Loss
- Time and Distance
- Permutation & Combination
- Simple & Compound Interest
- Problems on Trains
- Mixtures & Allegations
- Problems on Ages
Computer Literacy
- Important Terms & Computer Basics
- Computer History
- Paint Brush Use
- About Desktop and Computer Peripherals
- Word Processor and important terms related to it
- Formatting Word Document,
- Internet
- Computer History
- Word Processor
- Exploring Windows
- PPT or Power point Presentation
Teaching Methodology Syllabus
- Teaching Interest
- Development of Teachers Education India
- Methods and Theories
- Teaching Aptitude
- Teaching Ability
- Multiple Choice Question
- Teaching Attitude
- Responsible For Societies
- Teaching Skills
- Child-centered Progressive Education
- Learning and Pedagogy
Child Development & Pedagogy Syllabus
- Learning and Pedagogy
- Child Development (Primary School Child)
- The concept of education and understanding children
KVS Salary
Principal |
78800 – 209200 |
Vice-Principal |
56100 – 177500 |
47600 – 151100 |
44900 – 142400 |
Librarian |
44900 – 142400 |
Primary Teachers |
35400 – 112400 |
Important Link