English Grammar Online Objective Quiz 16

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English Grammar Online Objective Quiz (English Grammar Online Practice Set English Grammar Online Model Paper) :- नमस्कार दोस्तों इस पोस्ट माध्यम से आपको English Grammar Model Paper उपलबध करवाया गया है। Rajasthan High Court Group D and Class IV and Driver exam 2020 में English Grammar के 25 नम्बर के प्रश्न आपसे पूछे जायेंगेजो Tense, Articles,Active & Passive Voice, Direct & indirect Speech, Modals,Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substritution, Gender, adjective,verb,Editing & Omission, arranement of sentence, Vocabulary टॉपिक से होंगे। राजस्थान हाई कोर्ट ग्रुप डी उम्मीदवारों के लिए English Grammar की तैयारी बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। तो जो अभ्यर्थी इस परीक्षा में शामिल होने के इच्छुक हैं, वे English Grammar के परीक्षा पत्र इस पृष्ठ से डाउनलोड करें। सभी आवेदक जो परीक्षा में सर्वोच्च अंक प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, उन्हें सभी दिए गए प्रश्न पत्रों राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय ग्रुप डी नोट्स पीडीएफ राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय ग्रुप डी टेस्ट सीरीज का अभ्यास करना चाहिए और अपनी तैयारी शुरू करनी चाहिए। उम्मीदवार यहां से Free Online English Test / English Grammar Online Objective Quiz भी डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।

English Grammar Online Objective Quiz

[rapid_quiz question=”They ___________ asked to give opinion in their own words.” answer=”may be” options=”may be|could be|might|have being” notes=”may be”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word. Hypothetical ” answer=”Theoretical” options=”Magical|Theoretical|Visual |Two-faced” notes=”Theoretical”]

[rapid_quiz question=”I know him (Active Passive)” answer=”He is known to me” options=”He is known by me |He was known to me |He has been known by me |He is known to me” notes=”He is known to me”]

[rapid_quiz question=”One who lacks Knowledge. ” answer=”Ignorant ” options=”Intelligent |Ignorant |Credulous |Colleague” notes=”Ignorant “]

[rapid_quiz question=”Find the Compound Santance – ” answer=”Her name is Sachiko and she comes from Japan.” options=”Her name is Sachiko and she comes from Japan.|I’ll help you if you help me.|I’ve brought my umbrella with me in case it rains.|This is a simple sentence.” notes=”Her name is Sachiko and she comes from Japan.”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Choose the word opposite in meaning of Adulation ” answer=”Criticism” options=”Youth |Purity |Brightness|Criticism” notes=”Criticism”]

[rapid_quiz question=”The house (P) about half a mile distant (Q) that stunds in front of us (R) was built of stones (S) which were dug out of its own site” answer=”QPRS” options=”QSPR|QRPS|QPRS|QRSP” notes=”QPRS”]

[rapid_quiz question=”My uncle wore a ________ to the wedding. (Adjective)” answer=”blue silk tie” options=”silk blue tie|tie blue silk|blue silk tie|NOT” notes=”blue silk tie”]

[rapid_quiz question=”He said to me, ”I expect you to attend the function.” (Direct – Indirect)” answer=”He told me that he had expected me to attend the function.” options=”He told me that he had expected me to attend the function.|He told me that he expected me to attended the function.|He told me that he expected me to have attended the function.|He told me that he expected me to attend the function.” notes=”He told me that he had expected me to attend the function.”]

[rapid_quiz question=”There ___________ lots of hidden feelings and emotions behind every faces.” answer=”are” options=”was|have being|are|were be” notes=”are”]

[rapid_quiz question=”A part of a word that can be pronounced separately” answer=”Syllable ” options=”Particle |Sibilant |Syllable |Letter” notes=”Syllable “]

[rapid_quiz question=”They drew a circle in the morning (Active Passive)” answer=”A circle was drawn by them in the morning ” options=”A circle was being drawn by them in the morning |A circle was drawn by them in the morning |In the morning a circle have been drawn by them |A circle has been drawing since morning” notes=”A circle was drawn by them in the morning.”]

[rapid_quiz question=”His father said that he was caught in a shower as he was returning from the school. ” answer=”No correction required” options=”he was being caught |he caught |he has been caught |No correction required” notes=”No correction required”]

[rapid_quiz question=”I said to Nandinee, “Please help me with my homework.” (Direct – Indirect)” answer=”I requested Nandinee to help me with my homework. ” options=”I requested Nandinee to help me in my homework. |I requested Nandinee to help me with my homework. |I requested Nandinee to help me in homework. |Nandinee requested me to help her with her homework.” notes=”I requested Nandinee to help me with my homework. “]

[rapid_quiz question=”I __________ make sure that he performs better.” answer=”will” options=”would have|should have|will|might” notes=”will”]

[rapid_quiz question=”It is impossible to do this. (Voice)” answer=”This is impossible to be done” options=”Doing this is impossible|This is impossible to be done|This must not be done|This can’t be done” notes=”This is impossible to be done”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the word Detest ” answer=”To hate intensely ” options=”Love |To hate intensely |Neglect |To support” notes=”To hate intensely “]

[rapid_quiz question=”Choose the word opposite meaning of Anonymous” answer=”Signed ” options=”Desperate |Signed |Deñned |Expert” notes=”Signed”]

[rapid_quiz question=”The statement (P) therefore you must listen carefully (Q) what the speaker has said (R) in order to understand (S) will be made just once” answer=”SPRQ” options=”SRPQ|SPQR|SPRQ|RSPQ” notes=”SPRQ “]

[rapid_quiz question=”One who is unable to read or write. ” answer=”Illiterate ” options=”Genius |Illiterate |Palisade |Pulverize” notes=”Illiterate “]

[rapid_quiz question=”He presented me a bouquet on my birthday (Active Passive)” answer=”I was presented a bouquet on my birthday by him ” options=”A bouquet is presented to me on my birthday by him|I was presented on my birthday a bouquet by him |I was presented a bouquet on my birthday by him |I will be presented a bouquet on my birthday by him” notes=”I was presented a bouquet on my birthday by him “]

[rapid_quiz question=”When the bomb went off, it broke all of our windows. ” answer=”all our windows ” options=”all our windows |our all windows |all window of us |No improvement required.” notes=”all our windows “]

[rapid_quiz question=”Choose the word opposite in meaning of Benign ” answer=”Malignant” options=”Tenfold |Peaceful|Blessed |Malignant” notes=”Malignant”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the word Analogy” answer=”Similarity ” options=”Similarity |Distinction |Transposition|Variety” notes=”Similarity “]

[rapid_quiz question=”__________ you be a little polite?” answer=”Could” options=”Should|Will have|Need|Could” notes=”Could”]

English Grammar Online Model Paper

इस मॉक टेस्ट सीरीज़ मदद से आप Rajasthan HC Group D exam में अच्छे नम्बर प्राप्त कर सकते है। राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय ग्रुप डी परीक्षा में प्रत्येक सैंपल पेपर में एक निर्धारित वेटेज होता है ताकि कोई भी प्रश्न छूट न जाए। राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय परीक्षा (Rajasthan High court Group D exam 2020) के लिए ऑनलाइन प्रैक्टिस करे और अपने परीक्षा स्कोर की जाँच करें। अगर आपको इस प्रेक्टिस सेट में कोई कमी नजर आती है तो आप निचे कमेंट बॉक्स में हमे कमेंट करके बता सकते है।

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