English Grammar Online Model Paper 36

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English Grammar Online Model Paper (English Grammar Online Objective Quiz, English Grammar Online Mock Test ) :-नमस्कार दोस्तों इस पोस्ट माध्यम से आपको English Grammar Model Paper उपलबध करवाया गया है। Rajasthan High Court Group D and Class IV and Driver exam 2020 में English Grammar के 25 नम्बर के प्रश्न आपसे पूछे जायेंगेजो Tense, Articles,Active & Passive Voice, Direct & indirect Speech, Modals,Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substritution, Gender, adjective,verb,Editing & Omission, arranement of sentence, Vocabulary टॉपिक से होंगे। राजस्थान हाई कोर्ट ग्रुप डी उम्मीदवारों के लिए English Grammar की तैयारी बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। तो जो अभ्यर्थी इस परीक्षा में शामिल होने के इच्छुक हैं, वे English Grammar के परीक्षा पत्र इस पृष्ठ से डाउनलोड करें। सभी आवेदक जो परीक्षा में सर्वोच्च अंक प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, उन्हें सभी दिए गए प्रश्न पत्रों राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय ग्रुप डी नोट्स पीडीएफ राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय ग्रुप डी टेस्ट सीरीज का अभ्यास करना चाहिए और अपनी तैयारी शुरू करनी चाहिए। उम्मीदवार यहां से Free Online English Test / English Grammar Online Objective Quiz भी डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।

English Grammar Online Model Paper

[rapid_quiz question=”He was only joking, as he ______ many times before.” answer=”had done” options=”is doing|are done|has doing|had done” notes=”had done”]

[rapid_quiz question=”She wants ________ puppy for her birthday.” answer=”a” options=”a|an|the|no article” notes=”a”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonyms of CANDID” answer=”Frank” options=”Apparent|Explicit|Frank|Bright” notes=”Frank”]

[rapid_quiz question=”I am sorry, but I don’t believe what you say.” answer=”no improvement” options=”I will not be believing|I am not believing|I will not believe|no improvement” notes=”no improvement”]

[rapid_quiz question=”The movie turned out to be …………………. than I thought. (boring)” answer=”more boring” options=”much boring|boring|more boring|most boring” notes=”more boring”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Antonym of BENEVOLENT ” answer=”Selfish” options=”Selfish|Humane|Benign|Caring” notes=”Selfish”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Who is creating this mess ? (Change of Voice)” answer=”By whom is this mess being created ?” options=”By whom is this mess being created ?|By whom this mess is being created ?|By whom has this mess been created?|Whos has created this mess?” notes=”By whom is this mess being created ?”]

[rapid_quiz question=”He didn’t do anything;/he fed himself /on the /labours of others. (find Error)” answer=”he fed himself” options=”He didn’t do anything;|he fed himself|on the|labours of others.” notes=”he fed himself”]

[rapid_quiz question=”A small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics, etc.” answer=”Boutique” options=”Stall|Booth|Store|Boutique” notes=”Boutique”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonyms of MELD” answer=”Merge” options=”To soothe|Merge|Purchase|Glisten” notes=”Merge”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Antonym of GRUMPY ” answer=”Pleasant” options=”Sarly|Surly|Pleasant|Crabby” notes=”Pleasant”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Shaun ______ me that the road could be dangerous. So, I drove carefully.” answer=”had informed” options=”was informed|had informed|have informed|are informed” notes=”had informed”]

[rapid_quiz question=”The government has announced, ”Taxes will be raised”. (Direct & Indirect)” answer=”The government has announced that taxes will be raised.” options=”The government has announced that taxes would be raised.|The government has announced that taxes would raised.|The government has announced that taxes will be raised.|The government has announced taxes will be raised. ” notes=”The government has announced that taxes will be raised.”]

[rapid_quiz question=”That which cannot be read” answer=”Illegible” options=”Ineligible|Incorrigible|Negligible|Illegible” notes=”Illegible”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonyms of LYNCH” answer=”Kill” options=”Kill|Hang|Madden|Shoot” notes=”Kill”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Antonym of SARTORIAL ” answer=”Dumpy” options=”Dumpy|Inelegant|Homespun|Sharp” notes=”Dumpy”]

[rapid_quiz question=”People claim to have seen the suspect in several cities. (Change of Voice)” answer=”The suspect is claimed to have been seen in several cities” options=”The suspect is claimed to have been seen in several cities|The suspect has been the people in several cities|The suspect was seen by people in several cities|The suspect is being seen in several cities” notes=”The suspect is claimed to have been seen in several cities”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Let’s buy a new sari with the annual bonus, can we.” answer=”can’t we” options=”can’t we|shall we|don’t we|no improvement” notes=”can’t we”]

[rapid_quiz question=”What is the feminine of ram ?” answer=”Ewe” options=”Ewe|Limb|Lob|Lumber” notes=”Ewe”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Mohan said, ”We shall go to see the Taj in the moonlit night”. (Direct & Indirect)” answer=”Mohan said that they should go to see the Taj in moonlit night.” options=”Mohan said that we shall go to see the Taj in the moonlit night.|Mohan told that we shall go to see the Taj in moonlit night.|Mohan told that we should go to see the Taj in the moonlit night.|Mohan said that they should go to see the Taj in moonlit night.” notes=”Mohan said that they should go to see the Taj in moonlit night.”]

[rapid_quiz question=””I ______ you before that you have to wash the rice before you can cook it !” shouted Mrs Thambi.” answer=”have told” options=”had told|have told|am told|has told” notes=”have told”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Mary is ________ good friend.” answer=”a” options=”a|an|the|no article” notes=”a”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Tea is grown in many parts of India, but for the ……………… tea you should go to Assam. (fine)” answer=”finest” options=”finest|fine|fines|none” notes=”finest”]

[rapid_quiz question=”None of us were /really very happy/when the guests/ got entry into the house. (find Error)” answer=”None of us were” options=”None of us were|really very happy|when the guests|got entry into the house.” notes=”None of us were”]

[rapid_quiz question=”The road seems uneven, you __________ slow down.” answer=”need to” options=”can|would|need to|dare to” notes=”need to”]

English Grammar Online Objective Quiz

इस मॉक टेस्ट सीरीज़ मदद से आप Rajasthan HC Group D exam में अच्छे नम्बर प्राप्त कर सकते है। राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय ग्रुप डी परीक्षा में प्रत्येक सैंपल पेपर में एक निर्धारित वेटेज होता है ताकि कोई भी प्रश्न छूट न जाए। राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय परीक्षा (Rajasthan High court Group D exam 2020) के लिए ऑनलाइन प्रैक्टिस करे और अपने परीक्षा स्कोर की जाँच करें। अगर आपको इस English Grammar Online Practice Set में कोई कमी नजर आती है तो आप निचे कमेंट बॉक्स में हमे कमेंट करके बता सकते है।

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