English Grammar Online Model Paper 34

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English Grammar Online Model Paper (English Grammar Online Objective Quiz, English Grammar Online Mock Test ) :-नमस्कार दोस्तों इस पोस्ट माध्यम से आपको English Grammar Model Paper उपलबध करवाया गया है। Rajasthan High Court Group D and Class IV and Driver exam 2020 में English Grammar के 25 नम्बर के प्रश्न आपसे पूछे जायेंगेजो Tense, Articles,Active & Passive Voice, Direct & indirect Speech, Modals,Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substritution, Gender, adjective,verb,Editing & Omission, arranement of sentence, Vocabulary टॉपिक से होंगे। राजस्थान हाई कोर्ट ग्रुप डी उम्मीदवारों के लिए English Grammar की तैयारी बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। तो जो अभ्यर्थी इस परीक्षा में शामिल होने के इच्छुक हैं, वे English Grammar के परीक्षा पत्र इस पृष्ठ से डाउनलोड करें। सभी आवेदक जो परीक्षा में सर्वोच्च अंक प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, उन्हें सभी दिए गए प्रश्न पत्रों राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय ग्रुप डी नोट्स पीडीएफ राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय ग्रुप डी टेस्ट सीरीज का अभ्यास करना चाहिए और अपनी तैयारी शुरू करनी चाहिए। उम्मीदवार यहां से Free Online English Test / English Grammar Online Objective Quiz भी डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।

English Grammar Online Model Paper

[rapid_quiz question=”Doris was sad because she _______ the test.” answer=”had failed” options=”is failed|had failed|was failed|has failed” notes=”had failed”]

[rapid_quiz question=”He has always been __________ very good boy.” answer=”a” options=”a|an|the|no article” notes=”a”]

[rapid_quiz question=”I didn’t get _____ sleep last night. (Adjectives)” answer=”much” options=”more|much|many|none” notes=”much”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Is there any place for me to sit. ” answer=”space” options=”area|room|space|no improvement” notes=”space”]

[rapid_quiz question=”I keep the butter in the fridge. (Change of Voice)” answer=”Butter is kept in the fridge.” options=”Butter was kept in the fridge by me.|Butter is kept in the fridge.|They keep the butter in the fridge.|Fridge is where the butter has been kept.” notes=”Butter is kept in the fridge.”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Examples of feminie titles are …” answer=”Mother and daughter” options=”Mother and daughter|Girl and grandfather|Policeman and waitress|None of the above” notes=”Mother and daughter”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Edward said that he ______ the book from Ramsey the day before.” answer=”had borrowed” options=”were borrowed|was borrowed|have borrowed|had borrowed” notes=”had borrowed”]

[rapid_quiz question=”He seems dangerous. We __________ talk to him.” answer=”should not” options=”would not|might not|should not|could not” notes=”should not”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonyms Of INEXPLICABLE” answer=”Unaccountable” options=”Confusing|Unaccountable|Chaotic|Unconnected” notes=”Unaccountable”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Antonym of DEVIANT ” answer=”Regular” options=”Bent|Devious|Regular|Typical” notes=”Regular”]

[rapid_quiz question=”He said to her, What a cold day!” (Direct & Indirect)” answer=”He exclaimed that it was a very cold day.” options=”He told her that it was a cold day.|He exclaimed that it was a cold day.|He exclaimed sorrowfully that it was a cold day.|He exclaimed that it was a very cold day.” notes=”He exclaimed that it was a very cold day.”]

[rapid_quiz question=”To cause troops, etc. to spread out in readiness for battle” answer=”Deploy” options=”Align|Deploy|Collocate|Disperse” notes=”Deploy”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Antonym of PIQUE ” answer=”Joy” options=”Huff|Joy|Hurt|Irk” notes=”Joy”]

[rapid_quiz question=”We cannot handle (a) / this complicated case today (b) / unless full details are not given (c) / to us by now. (d) (Find Error)” answer=”unless full details are not given” options=”We cannot handle|this complicated case today|unless full details are not given|to us by now.” notes=”unless full details are not given”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonyms Of FEEBLE” answer=”Weak” options=”Weak|Vain|Arrogant|Sick” notes=”Weak”]

[rapid_quiz question=”A voice loud enough to be heard” answer=”Audible” options=”Oral|Audible|Applaudable|Laudable” notes=”Audible”]

[rapid_quiz question=”He had kept up his diet program for a month. (Change of Voice)” answer=”His diet program had been kept up for a month.” options=”His diet program was kept up for a month.|His diet program had been kept for a month.|The doctor had kept up his diet program for a month.|His diet program had been kept up for a month.” notes=”His diet program had been kept up for a month.”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Jeffrey told me that he ______ the pen because he thought it was his.” answer=”had taken” options=”have taken|was taken|has taken|had taken” notes=”had taken”]

[rapid_quiz question=”I’ve packed _____ bottles of water. (Adjectives)” answer=”many” options=”many|more|much|none” notes=”many”]

[rapid_quiz question=”The tailor said to him, ”Will you have the suit ready by tomorrow evening?” (Direct & Indirect)” answer=”The tailor asked him if he would have the suit ready by the next evening.” options=”The tailor asked him that he will have the suit ready by the next evening.|The tailor asked him that he would had the suit ready by the next evening.|The tailor asked him if he would have the suit ready by the next evening.|The tailor asked him if he will like to the suit ready by the next evening.” notes=”The tailor asked him if he would have the suit ready by the next evening.”]

[rapid_quiz question=”__________ food that you cooked was very good!” answer=”The” options=”A|An|The|No article” notes=”The”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Synonyms Of TRANSIENT” answer=”Fleeting” options=”Fanciful|Feeble|Fleeting|Transparent” notes=”Fleeting”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Antonym of SPORADIC ” answer=”Constant” options=”Infrequent|Exiguous|Trifling|Constant” notes=”Constant”]

[rapid_quiz question=”Having superior or intellectual interests and tastes” answer=”Highbrow” options=”Elite|Fastidious|Sophisticated|Highbrow” notes=”Highbrow”]

[rapid_quiz question=”We __________ reach by 7 PM before the ceremony starts.” answer=”must” options=”must|might|could|dare” notes=”must”]

English Grammar Online Objective Quiz

इस मॉक टेस्ट सीरीज़ मदद से आप Rajasthan HC Group D exam में अच्छे नम्बर प्राप्त कर सकते है। राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय ग्रुप डी परीक्षा में प्रत्येक सैंपल पेपर में एक निर्धारित वेटेज होता है ताकि कोई भी प्रश्न छूट न जाए। राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय परीक्षा (Rajasthan High court Group D exam 2020) के लिए ऑनलाइन प्रैक्टिस करे और अपने परीक्षा स्कोर की जाँच करें। अगर आपको इस English Grammar Online Practice Set में कोई कमी नजर आती है तो आप निचे कमेंट बॉक्स में हमे कमेंट करके बता सकते है।

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